Simple Past': Faça perguntas no Passado Simples
try Again
Lesson 93
Simple Past': Faça perguntas no Passado Simples
Eles estavam ocupados ontem =
Were they busy yesterday?
As frases interrogativas com o verbo 'to be' no passado, começam com 'was/were'.
He/She - Was
They/we - Were
Você assistiu TV ontem à noite? = Did you watch TV last night?
As demais frases interrogativas no passado começam com 'did', seguido pelo verbo no infinitivo.
Past Simple Past Simple (Interrogative)
They went out Did they go out?
I bought a pen Did I buy a pen?
We saw her Did we see her?
She played hockey Did she play hockey?
They were outside Were they outside?
I was sick Was I sick?
He was at home Was he at home?
'Você ganhou a partida?'
Selecione a tradução correta em inglês.
Did you won the match?
Did you win the match?
Were you win the match?
Were you won the match?
'Ela foi ao escritório ontem?'
Selecione a tradução correta em inglês.
Did she go to the office yesterday?
Did she went to the office yesterday?
Was she go to the office yesterday?
Was she went to the office yesterday?
'Eles estavam na sua casa ontem?'
Selecione a tradução correta em inglês.
Was they at your place yesterday?
Did they at your place yesterday?
Were they at your place yesterday?
Did they were at your place yesterday?
'Você teve férias no verão passado?'
Selecione a tradução correta em inglês.
Did you go on a holiday last summer?
Did you went on a holiday last summer?
Were you go on a holiday last summer?
Were you went on a holiday last summer?
'Você gostou da festa?'
Selecione a tradução correta em inglês.
Did you enjoyed the party?
Was you enjoy the party?
Were you enjoyed the party?
Did you enjoy the party?
Traduza para o inglês
Eles compraram um carro?
Traduza para o inglês
Eles estavam na escola?
Traduza para o inglês
Eles gostaram de nós?
Nós nos encontramos com ela?
    • did
    • her?
    • meet
    • we
    • met
    • was
    Você se lembrou do nome dela?
    • you
    • remembered
    • did
    • were
    • remember
    • her name?
    Eles estavam ausentes ontem?
    • was
    • they
    • were
    • absent
    • yesterday?
    • did
    Selecione a palavra que falta e complete o espaço em branco.
    Selecione a palavra que falta e complete o espaço em branco.
    Próxima palavra