Future with going to
try Again
Lesson 95
Future with going to
我们乘搭早班的火车去北京 = We are taking the morning train to Beijing.
Present progressive (is / am / are + verb + ing) 用以描述将来的计划。
会议将在早上11点开始。 = The meeting is going to start at 11 AM.
Going to (going to + verb + ing) 表明 (informal) 意向。
这里要用Going to。
1) Intentions:表明意向(informal) (Eg: I am going to hire someone for this work = 我要雇人来干这活)。

2) Predictions: 预计 (Eg: It is going to rain = 就快要下雨了).

3) 阐述将来还未发生的事情 (Eg: Guo Wei is going to turn 30 this November = Guo Wei今年十一月就30岁了)。
'我就要戒烟了。' 选出正确的英文翻译。;
I am going to quit smoking.
I am go quit smoking.
I am going to quitting smoking.
I will going to quit smoking.
'从现在开始我要努力工作。' 选出正确的英文翻译。;
I am going to work hard from now on.
I am work hard from now on.
I am going to working hard from now on.
I am go to work hard from now on.
'你会通过这次考试的。' 选出正确的英文翻译。;
You're pass the exam.
You're going to passing the exam.
You'll going to pass the exam.
You're going to pass the exam.
    • raining.
    • is
    • to
    • rain.
    • going
    • it
    我一会儿打电话给 Guo Wei 告诉他这个消息。
    • call Guo Wei later
    • going to
    • this news.
    • and tell him
    • calling
    • I am
    Be careful! We ______
    are going
    '如果他们再这样浪费时间的话,那么他们肯定会失败的。' 选出正确的英文翻译。;
    If they keep on wasting time like this, then they're going to fail.
    If they keep on wasting time like this, then they're go fail.
    If they keep on wasting time like this, then they going to fail.
    If they keep on wasting time like this, then they'll going to fail.
    My sister is ______
    going to graduate
    going to graduation
    going to pass out
    • 45 this March.
    • is
    • going to
    • be
    • go to
    • my father
    '你是否打算雇佣人?' 选出正确的翻译。;
    Are you going to hire someone?
    Are you hire someone?
    Do you going to hire someone?
    Will you going to hire someone?
    • Is it
    • be
    • very crowded
    • at the fair?
    • does
    • going to
    My company ______
    is going to moving
    is going to move
    will going to move
    is go to moving
    '会议会在11点开始。' 选出正确的英文翻译。;
    The meeting is going to start at 11.
    The meeting is start at 11.
    The meeting will be going to start at 11.
    The meeting is going to starting at 11.