Belajar membedakan antara 'because' dan 'so'
try Again
Lesson 96
Belajar membedakan antara 'because' dan 'so'
I did not go to school because I was sick. = Saya tidak pergi ke sekolah karena saya sakit.
Dalam kalimat apapun, 'because' digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebab.
Because = Karena
'Dia mendapat hadiah karena ini hari ulang tahunnya.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
She got presents so it was her birthday.
She got presents because it was her birthday.
She got presents but it was her birthday.
She got presents then it was her birthday.
'Kami datang lebih awal hari ini karena kami ada rapat.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
We came in early today because we had a meeting.
We came in early today so we had a meeting.
We came in early today but we had a meeting.
We came in early today that's why we had a meeting.
I lost my car keys, so I took a taxi. = Saya kehilangan kunci mobil saya, jadi saya naik taksi.
Dalam kalimat apa pun, 'so' digunakan untuk menerangkan akibat.

So = Jadi/Sehingga
I took a taxi because I lost my car keys. = Saya naik taksi karena saya kehilangan kunci mobil saya.
'Because' digunakan untuk menerangkan sebab.

Because = Karena/Gara-gara
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
My house isn't big ______
'Ratna tidak suka film itu, jadi dia mematikan TV.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
Ratna did not like the movie because she turned the TV off.
Ratna did not like the movie then she turned the TV off.
Ratna did not like the movie but she turned the TV off.
Ratna did not like the movie so she turned the TV off.
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
I want to have a party, ______
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
The meeting will be on Saturday ______
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
My sister cooks well, ______
so that
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
My house is small ______
so that
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
Her sister dances a lot ______
such as
'Kakak saya bangun, jadi saya bisa masuk.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
My sister was awake, because I could come inside.
My sister was awake, then I could come inside.
My sister was awake, but I could come inside.
My sister was awake, so I could come inside.
'Saya tidak suka Dewi, jadi saya tidak meneleponnya.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
I don't like Dewi, so I did not call her.
I don't like Dewi, because I did not call her.
I don't like Dewi, that I did not call her.
I don't like Dewi, then I did not call her.
'Dia memenangi perlombaan karena dia pekerja keras.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
He won the race so he was hard working.
He won the race because he was hard working.
He won the race then he was hard working.
He won the race but he was hard working.
'Dia mengundang kami ke pesta karena kami teman baik.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang benar.;
She invited us for the party, so we are good friends.
She invited us for the party, but we are good friends.
She invited us for the party because we are good friends.
She invited us for the party, that we are good friends.
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