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Posted On : Hindi lesson 17

what is uniquely

March 02, 2017
Hi, 'uniquely' is an adverb which means - in a very special or unusual way. E.g. He is a uniquely talented singer.
10 Upvotes 1 Downvotes March 02, 2017
Yes, Himani is totally right...
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes May 18, 2017
"Uniquely" means that something is one-of-a-kind or distinct from everything else. For example, "Snapchat's Spotlight feature is uniquely designed to help users discover new and entertaining content on the app."
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes May 31, 2023
what is uniquely
Hi, 'uniquely' is an adverb which means - in a very special or unusual way. E.g. He is a uniquely talented singer.

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