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When we can use "Has been, have been"?..

March 23, 2017
Examples: They have been talking for the last hour.She has been working at that company for three years.What have you been doing for the last 30 minutes?James has been teaching at the university since June.We have been waiting here for over two hours!Why has Nancy not been taking her medicine for the last three days?
49 Upvotes 11 Downvotes March 23, 2017
I have been......,We have been.......,you have been......., they have been....... but He has been..... similarly She has been and It has been. So, use has been with first person singular.
51 Upvotes 14 Downvotes April 02, 2017
You can use have been with (I, we and they) and has been with(she,he)
12 Upvotes 6 Downvotes May 06, 2017
you can use "Has been " when the subject is singular .. you can use "Have been " when the subject is plural Ex:- He has been to Egypt . They have been to Egypt
12 Upvotes 7 Downvotes May 23, 2017
first person singular > I first person plural. > we second person singular. > you second person plural. > you third person singular. > he/she/it third person plural. > they ( hasbeen used only third person singular ok ) other pronouns used have been u have any doubts ask me and follow me
11 Upvotes 9 Downvotes July 07, 2017
We can use it whenever it is needed
12 Upvotes 10 Downvotes April 10, 2017
Has been (for third person singular number) / Have been (for other than that condition):- 1. as present perfect tense- I have been there. 2. as passive sense- The situation has been handled. 3. as present perfect continuous tense- It's been raining since morning.
9 Upvotes 7 Downvotes May 14, 2017
We also use has been/have been in passive voice
7 Upvotes 6 Downvotes May 04, 2017
use of have been for plural nouns and has been for singular nouns
3 Upvotes 3 Downvotes September 03, 2017
An action started in the past and continue in the present that time we use this tense. eg. l have been working here since 2000 l have been working here more than3years but l didn't get my salary not yet.
5 Upvotes 5 Downvotes June 25, 2017
When we can use "Has been, have been"?..
Examples: They have been talking for the last hour.She has been working at that company for three years.What have you been doing for the last 30 minutes?James has been teaching at the university since June.We have been waiting here for over two hours!Why has Nancy not been taking her medicine for the last three days?

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