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Hello English

what is difff between have has had?

March 25, 2017
Have ,Has and Had are primary auxilary verb we use have and has in present tense use of have we use with 1st person ,second and third person plural number ex-you have gone to foreign. use of has we use with third person singular number. ex- he has written a letter. use of had had is past form of have and has we use with 1st person,2nd personand 3rd person ex-they had remembered the lesson.
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes March 25, 2017
I don't know
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes July 28, 2017
what is difff between have has had?
Have ,Has and Had are primary auxilary verb we use have and has in present tense use of have we use with 1st person ,second and third person plural number ex-you have gone to foreign. use of has we use with third person singular number. ex- he has written a letter. use of had had is past form of have and has we use with 1st person,2nd personand 3rd person ex-they had remembered the lesson.

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