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what is the meaning of were

March 26, 2017
M. K Yadav
Were The past tense of 'to be'Describes 2 or more people, places, or things example:  We were smart. Always use were when talking about "you" example:  You were going to drive to the store, were you not? Always use were when imaginging a scenario example:   This would never happen if Iwere in charge.
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes March 26, 2017
were :-थे were is primary auxiliary verb we use with 1st person ,2nd person and 3rd person plural number
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes March 26, 2017
were थे
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes July 28, 2017
what is the meaning of were
Were The past tense of 'to be'Describes 2 or more people, places, or things example:  We were smart. Always use were when talking about "you" example:  You were going to drive to the store, were you not? Always use were when imaginging a scenario example:   This would never happen if Iwere in charge.

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