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Hello English

what is the meaning of as well as ?

March 28, 2017
'As well as' means - "In addition; too". Example:- We have a responsibility to our community as well as to our families.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes March 28, 2017
as well as was found in the English Dictionary at the entries listed below. 1as well idiom2as well (as)3as well as idiom4be as well, at be just as wellidiom5be just as well idiom6may/might as well idiom7might just as well idiom8(it's) just as well (that) idiom9someone may as well do something idiom10you might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lambidiom
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes March 28, 2017
what is the meaning of as well as ?
'As well as' means - "In addition; too". Example:- We have a responsibility to our community as well as to our families.

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