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Posted On : Hindi lesson 9

what is pollution ?

March 28, 2017
'Pollution' means - "The introduction of wastes into the environment which has harmful or poisonous effects". There are many types of pollutions. They are:- 1) Land pollution. 2) Sound pollution. 3) Water pollution. 4) Air pollution.
11 Upvotes 1 Downvotes March 29, 2017
there are 4 types of pollution there are Land pollution ,Water pollution , Noise pollution, Air pollution
4 Upvotes 2 Downvotes March 29, 2017
Pollution is undesirable change that pollute the environment. Pollution is of four types . 1.Air 2.Water. 3.Soil /Land. 4.Noise pollution.
2 Upvotes 1 Downvotes September 20, 2018
what is pollution ?
'Pollution' means - "The introduction of wastes into the environment which has harmful or poisonous effects". There are many types of pollutions. They are:- 1) Land pollution. 2) Sound pollution. 3) Water pollution. 4) Air pollution.

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