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Posted On : Urdu lesson 269

What is difference between passive voice & a causetive?

March 30, 2017
There are structures with the verb to get that can express a passive meaning. We can use it, for example, when talking about something that happens unexpectedly or accidentally. The structure is: get + past participle. He got caught by the police. I didn’t get invited to the party ( by the host ). The causative is used to say that the subject either asked or paid someone else to do the action for him or her. The structure is: get + something + past participle. You should get your hair cut. I will get my car fixed. They got him thrown out of the nightclub.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes March 30, 2017
What is difference between passive voice & a causetive?
There are structures with the verb to get that can express a passive meaning. We can use it, for example, when talking about something that happens unexpectedly or accidentally. The structure is: get + past participle. He got caught by the police. I didn’t get invited to the party ( by the host ). The causative is used to say that the subject either asked or paid someone else to do the action for him or her. The structure is: get + something + past participle. You should get your hair cut. I will get my car fixed. They got him thrown out of the nightclub.

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