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Posted On : Marathi lesson 27

difference between there and their

March 30, 2017
there means vahan , udhar etc. their means uska, unka etc. now, you should try to make sentences.
7 Upvotes 2 Downvotes April 08, 2017
I think there means looking for a place, and their means looking someone's, I mean there is my home, and their are Sheena's toys.. I am also confused, plz tell the right answer...
3 Upvotes 1 Downvotes July 03, 2017
To master the differences between there and their, keep in mind some few simple rules for their and their: *There is a noun, an adverb, a pronoun, or an adjective, but it does not show possession. Only the word their (not there) shows possession. *Their is almost always followed by a noun. That is not true of the word “there,” which often stands alone as noun or pronoun.
0 Upvotes 1 Downvotes December 12, 2017
difference between there and their
1 Upvotes 2 Downvotes July 18, 2017
difference between there and their
there means vahan , udhar etc. their means uska, unka etc. now, you should try to make sentences.

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