Hello English
Hello English

which one is correct? i just got to know about your engagement or i just got to knew about your engagement.

April 02, 2017
Both are wrong. When adverb 'just' is used in the sentence.. The sentence should be in present perfect. So.. I've just got to know about your engagement.. Is right. (i.e get_got_gotten/got)
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 02, 2017
correct one is - i just got to know about your engagement.
0 Upvotes 1 Downvotes April 02, 2017
which one is correct? i just got to know about your engagement or i just got to knew about your engagement.
Both are wrong. When adverb 'just' is used in the sentence.. The sentence should be in present perfect. So.. I've just got to know about your engagement.. Is right. (i.e get_got_gotten/got)

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