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Posted On : Hindi lesson 116

just = ever

April 04, 2017
Anil Verma
They're not equal. They are completely different in uses and meaning. "Ever" is related with "never." I'll never do it = I'll not do it ever. Why ever did you come here? Have you ever heard of him? Never = negative ever
30 Upvotes 5 Downvotes May 26, 2017
"Just" is mostly related with present perfect tense. It has different meaning as well. Like, "right this time." And so on. Just do it. I've just done it. He did just what I said.
13 Upvotes 3 Downvotes May 26, 2017
Not equal.
9 Upvotes 2 Downvotes May 07, 2018
no its wrong
8 Upvotes 3 Downvotes June 09, 2017
no just is not =ever
8 Upvotes 4 Downvotes May 24, 2017
what ever mean ?
5 Upvotes 3 Downvotes June 03, 2017
No they arent equal as we use just for this much and ever for कभी भी
3 Upvotes 1 Downvotes August 01, 2017
just and ever give another sens they are not equal to each other just =when we do any think before few time then we use it e.g: I am just taking class .and now ever =when we do some work or habbit continue in our life so then we use ever e.g: I take tea in the breakfast ever .
6 Upvotes 4 Downvotes October 03, 2017
They are different
3 Upvotes 2 Downvotes May 09, 2018
3 Upvotes 3 Downvotes December 08, 2017
just = ever
They're not equal. They are completely different in uses and meaning. "Ever" is related with "never." I'll never do it = I'll not do it ever. Why ever did you come here? Have you ever heard of him? Never = negative ever

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