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Posted On : Hindi lesson 130

They have been here for two hours. Please explain with some examples and their exact meanings why 'been' is used in the above sentence?

April 04, 2017
Ashutosh Kumar (rajan)
if a work that has started in the past and has not finished yet or it is still in progress, we use "been" in such sentences. e.g- we have been playing cricket for two hours. they have been fighting for a very tiny thing since morning.
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 27, 2017
explain it
0 Upvotes 1 Downvotes April 05, 2017
They have been here for two hours. Please explain with some examples and their exact meanings why 'been' is used in the above sentence?
if a work that has started in the past and has not finished yet or it is still in progress, we use "been" in such sentences. e.g- we have been playing cricket for two hours. they have been fighting for a very tiny thing since morning.

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