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Posted On : Telugu lesson 19

What is the difference between 'many'and 'much' ?

April 05, 2017
we use many where we can counting . for example we can count numbers of apples, tables​ etc. contary to it we use much where we can not count but measure amount.for example we can know amount of milk but can not count in number
5 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 05, 2017
we use many for countable nouns...like many packets of milks not much packets of milk.. and use much for uncountable nouns...like much milk...not many milk
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes November 23, 2017
What is the difference between 'many'and 'much' ?
we use many where we can counting . for example we can count numbers of apples, tables​ etc. contary to it we use much where we can not count but measure amount.for example we can know amount of milk but can not count in number

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