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Hello English

in schools, children are calling their lady teacher as miss...how it will be ? and more over miss wil be used for unmarried girls....if teacher is married ...how they can call like that....?

April 05, 2017
Convent means shelter of nuns.. (nuns are who sacrificed their lives for the sake of God, not to be getting married) In that way, once convents used to be run by nuns.. As nuns are unmarried everyone call them miss.. It has been continuing till today.
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 05, 2017
in schools, children are calling their lady teacher as miss...how it will be ? and more over miss wil be used for unmarried girls....if teacher is married ...how they can call like that....?
Convent means shelter of nuns.. (nuns are who sacrificed their lives for the sake of God, not to be getting married) In that way, once convents used to be run by nuns.. As nuns are unmarried everyone call them miss.. It has been continuing till today.

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