Hello English
Hello English

what's usage of being

April 05, 2017
Being is always used to frame passive voice for continuous tenses. Ex : She is reading a book (active) A book is being read by her (passive) He was looking at me. (active) I was being looked by him (passive) Being afraid, I didn't go to the hospital.
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 05, 2017
there are many usage of word'being'in english not only one.
0 Upvotes 1 Downvotes April 05, 2017
what's usage of being
Being is always used to frame passive voice for continuous tenses. Ex : She is reading a book (active) A book is being read by her (passive) He was looking at me. (active) I was being looked by him (passive) Being afraid, I didn't go to the hospital.

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