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Difference between possesive pronoun and possesive adjective

April 10, 2017
A "possessive pronoun" does show ownership, but it does not come before a noun or in a noun phrase. Remember, "possessive pronouns" are used to replace the noun. "Possessive adjectives" are used to describe the noun. Notice that some forms of the "possessive adjective" and "possessive pronoun" are the same (his, its) etc.
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 10, 2017
Difference between possesive pronoun and possesive adjective
A "possessive pronoun" does show ownership, but it does not come before a noun or in a noun phrase. Remember, "possessive pronouns" are used to replace the noun. "Possessive adjectives" are used to describe the noun. Notice that some forms of the "possessive adjective" and "possessive pronoun" are the same (his, its) etc.

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