Hello English
Hello English

Hello there! can someone tell me how may l know which one of "at-in-on" I must use ?!

April 11, 2017
there are several uses of these propositions talking about time and dates : "at" ..is used to denote a particular time (clock ). I WAKE UP AT 5 O' CLOCK. "in "..is used to denote an unclear day of a group of days (weeks ,months ,years ) I WAS BORN IN SEPTEMBER, "on"..is used to denote a particular day or date. I WILL MEET YOU ON SUNDAY.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 11, 2017
Hello there! can someone tell me how may l know which one of "at-in-on" I must use ?!
there are several uses of these propositions talking about time and dates : "at" ..is used to denote a particular time (clock ). I WAKE UP AT 5 O' CLOCK. "in "..is used to denote an unclear day of a group of days (weeks ,months ,years ) I WAS BORN IN SEPTEMBER, "on"..is used to denote a particular day or date. I WILL MEET YOU ON SUNDAY.

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