Hello English
Hello English
Posted On : Telugu lesson 287

however, although, wherever, therefore,in order to,in spide of . I want this words currect meanings .please tells us.

April 17, 2017
Indira Aravinda
'However' means - "in whatever way; regardless of how". 'Although' means - "In spite of the fact that; even though". 'Wherever' means - "In or to whatever place". 'Therefore' means - "For that reason; consequently". 'In order to' means - "According to a particular sequence". It is not 'In spide of', 'In spite of' means - "Without being affected by the particular factor mentioned".
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 17, 2017
however, although, wherever, therefore,in order to,in spide of . I want this words currect meanings .please tells us.
'However' means - "in whatever way; regardless of how". 'Although' means - "In spite of the fact that; even though". 'Wherever' means - "In or to whatever place". 'Therefore' means - "For that reason; consequently". 'In order to' means - "According to a particular sequence". It is not 'In spide of', 'In spite of' means - "Without being affected by the particular factor mentioned".

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