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Hello English

what is the different between accept and expect?

April 18, 2017
Nilesh Sarker
Accept It means "to be in agreement" or "to admit to do something". For example: He accepted to sign the contract. Having studied hard, Rebecca was accepted to the university. The professor accepted to do a lecture about global development. He accepted our invitation. (he said "yes" to our invitation offer) Expect It means "to anticipate" or "to wait for something". For Example: Don’t expect miracles and do something! I didn't expect to see you so soon. They were expected to leave soon.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 18, 2017
what is the different between accept and expect?
Accept It means "to be in agreement" or "to admit to do something". For example: He accepted to sign the contract. Having studied hard, Rebecca was accepted to the university. The professor accepted to do a lecture about global development. He accepted our invitation. (he said "yes" to our invitation offer) Expect It means "to anticipate" or "to wait for something". For Example: Don’t expect miracles and do something! I didn't expect to see you so soon. They were expected to leave soon.

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