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What is meaning of unless and until

April 21, 2017
Until mean “tab tak” and Unless mean “Jab tak”. ex:- Wait here unitl I come back.  मेरे आने तक यहीं रुको| He will not trust you unless you prove yourself. जब तक तुम अपने आप को सबित नहीं करते हो, वह तुम पर भरोसा नहीं करेगा। He read until his guest arrived अपने मेहमान के आने तक वह पढ़ता रहा।
4 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 21, 2017
do not use auxiliary verbs in clauses beginning with until and unless
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 23, 2017
What is meaning of unless and until
Until mean “tab tak” and Unless mean “Jab tak”. ex:- Wait here unitl I come back.  मेरे आने तक यहीं रुको| He will not trust you unless you prove yourself. जब तक तुम अपने आप को सबित नहीं करते हो, वह तुम पर भरोसा नहीं करेगा। He read until his guest arrived अपने मेहमान के आने तक वह पढ़ता रहा।

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