Hello English
Hello English

how concentrate on my study and to making my career.

April 21, 2017
Your body and your mind associate activities with certain places. Studying in bed is a bad idea, because when you get in bed your mind thinks "sleep".  Studying in front of the TV is bad, because usually TV-watching is for when you are trying to relax. Studying at the dining room table can be bad, because sitting there usually means eating. You need a very quiet place too. If your friends or family are being loud or they are watching TV or something nearby, you won't be able to concentrate. Find a corner of your house, or a closet, or somewhere, where you can set up a small table or desk with a lamp. Don't play any music that has lyrics while you are studying, either, because lyrics are distracting.
2 Upvotes 2 Downvotes April 21, 2017
how concentrate on my study and to making my career.
Your body and your mind associate activities with certain places. Studying in bed is a bad idea, because when you get in bed your mind thinks "sleep".  Studying in front of the TV is bad, because usually TV-watching is for when you are trying to relax. Studying at the dining room table can be bad, because sitting there usually means eating. You need a very quiet place too. If your friends or family are being loud or they are watching TV or something nearby, you won't be able to concentrate. Find a corner of your house, or a closet, or somewhere, where you can set up a small table or desk with a lamp. Don't play any music that has lyrics while you are studying, either, because lyrics are distracting.

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