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Posted On : Hindi lesson 30

what is adjective

April 22, 2017
The simplest definition of an adjective is that it is a word that describes or clarifies a noun. Adjectives describe nouns by giving some information about an object’s size, shape, age, color, origin or material. It’s a big table. (size) It’s a round table. (shape) It’s an old table. (age) It’s a brown table. (color) It’s an English table. (origin) It’s a wooden table. (material)
5 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 22, 2017
what is adjective
The simplest definition of an adjective is that it is a word that describes or clarifies a noun. Adjectives describe nouns by giving some information about an object’s size, shape, age, color, origin or material. It’s a big table. (size) It’s a round table. (shape) It’s an old table. (age) It’s a brown table. (color) It’s an English table. (origin) It’s a wooden table. (material)

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