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Hello English

tell me the difference between shuld and must

April 23, 2017
Must Used to express something formally required or necessary: I must complete the project by this week. The government must provide health care for everybody. Everyone must save the natural resources of the earth. The building must have a fire alarm. You must answer my question right now. Used to show that something is very likely: He must be a genius. You must be joking! There must be an accident. She must be very tired.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 23, 2017
Should (past form of shall) Often used in auxiliary functions to express an opinion, suggestion, preference, or idea: You should rest at home today. I should take a bus this time. He should be more thoughtful in the decision-making process. Used to express that you wish something had happened but it didn't or couldn't (should + have + past participle) : You should have seen it. It was really beautiful. I should have completed it earlier to meet the deadline. We should have visited the place on the way. Used to ask for someone's opinion: What should we do now? Should we continue our meeting? Should we go this way? Where should we go this summer? Used to say something expected or correct: There should be an old city hall building here. Everybody should arrive by 6 p.m. We should be there this evening.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 23, 2017
tell me the difference between shuld and must
Must Used to express something formally required or necessary: I must complete the project by this week. The government must provide health care for everybody. Everyone must save the natural resources of the earth. The building must have a fire alarm. You must answer my question right now. Used to show that something is very likely: He must be a genius. You must be joking! There must be an accident. She must be very tired.

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