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Hello English
Posted On : Bangladeshi lesson 152

can i say watch instead of see?

April 25, 2017
we use see and watch according to sentences. See -to ‘see’ something that comes into our sight that we weren’t looking for.  ‘Did you see that bird? – I wasn’t looking for it,  it just appeared. ‘I saw you driving to work today.’   Watch - to look at something carefully, usually at something which is moving.  ‘Watch TV’- the TV doesn’t move, but you watch the moving images carefully.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 25, 2017
can i say watch instead of see?
we use see and watch according to sentences. See -to ‘see’ something that comes into our sight that we weren’t looking for.  ‘Did you see that bird? – I wasn’t looking for it,  it just appeared. ‘I saw you driving to work today.’   Watch - to look at something carefully, usually at something which is moving.  ‘Watch TV’- the TV doesn’t move, but you watch the moving images carefully.

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