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Posted On : Hindi lesson 311

how to use had in better way

April 29, 2017
Had is a Past Participle. So, you just can use with nouns. Remember to put had before the noun. Examples - 1) I had chickenpox when I was 6. 2) I had to go out as I had to buy my medicine. 3) My grandfather had a dog named Max.
0 Upvotes 1 Downvotes August 27, 2022
how to use had
0 Upvotes 1 Downvotes June 11, 2017
how to use had in better way
Had is a Past Participle. So, you just can use with nouns. Remember to put had before the noun. Examples - 1) I had chickenpox when I was 6. 2) I had to go out as I had to buy my medicine. 3) My grandfather had a dog named Max.

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