Hello English
Hello English

hello.... taking a break from this forum... getting disturbed a lot rather than learning something new.... will you meet after few days... bye....

May 10, 2017
Greta kumar
ohh nothing much.. but really not getting time to do lessons, only in this forum chatting a lot instead of learning english and main problem is some people are still much interested to discuss down and up vote rather than learning english, to see these comments got puzzled.. so taking a break but soon i will be back.. but felt nice with both of you harman and pammi.. you both have such a nice knowledge of english. though personally i dont know to both of you but i can guess you both are very good in nature as well... bye.. Good Night...
15 Upvotes 7 Downvotes May 10, 2017
ohh i didnt want to write anything but i had to come back because some one is there who has been continuesly upvoting me for last 20minits... and i m getting notifications. my each and every replies has been upvoted. in last 15minits i got more than 150upvote... stop this nusence
13 Upvotes 6 Downvotes May 10, 2017
Why? What happened, greta?
5 Upvotes 2 Downvotes May 10, 2017
Greta is very good writer.
3 Upvotes 1 Downvotes November 22, 2018
why what happend
2 Upvotes 3 Downvotes July 14, 2017
hello.... taking a break from this forum... getting disturbed a lot rather than learning something new.... will you meet after few days... bye....
ohh nothing much.. but really not getting time to do lessons, only in this forum chatting a lot instead of learning english and main problem is some people are still much interested to discuss down and up vote rather than learning english, to see these comments got puzzled.. so taking a break but soon i will be back.. but felt nice with both of you harman and pammi.. you both have such a nice knowledge of english. though personally i dont know to both of you but i can guess you both are very good in nature as well... bye.. Good Night...

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