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Posted On : Hindi lesson 160

I have never been to an art exhibition why the have been used this type of sentence

May 13, 2017
In very, very general terms, 'to have been to' just states that 'I was present in the place', whereas 'to go to' expresses some sense of purposeful movement.
30 Upvotes 0 Downvotes August 24, 2017
because in the sentence there is I which is in present tense as plural so have had been returned. It had took been because of present perfect tense used in sentence. Been is a form of be that is used in perfect tense.
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes February 25, 2019
I have never been to an art exhibition why the have been used this type of sentence
In very, very general terms, 'to have been to' just states that 'I was present in the place', whereas 'to go to' expresses some sense of purposeful movement.

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