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Posted On : Hindi lesson 30

What we use do did does

May 27, 2017
Do/does is used in simple present tense. Do is used with I,we,you,they,more than one person or thing, plural subjects. Does is used with he,she,it,one person or thing, singular subject. Ex:- I do not eat it. He doesn't tell a lie. Did is used in simple past tense. Ex:- You did not go there. She didn't speak english.
34 Upvotes 3 Downvotes May 27, 2017
wecan use do, did, dose this way I do, we do, you do they do.. he/she does and past tense I did, you did, we did,they did
10 Upvotes 3 Downvotes April 23, 2018
What we use do did does
Do/does is used in simple present tense. Do is used with I,we,you,they,more than one person or thing, plural subjects. Does is used with he,she,it,one person or thing, singular subject. Ex:- I do not eat it. He doesn't tell a lie. Did is used in simple past tense. Ex:- You did not go there. She didn't speak english.

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