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Posted On : Hindi lesson 352

what is the difference between concrete and common noun?

June 18, 2017
concrete nouns are that can be touched smell and taste. for an instance orange. common nouns are common things . they are not specific one. as girl is a common noun but it can be changed in proper noun by sita but you can not change orange in proper noun.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes September 30, 2017
concretre noun means hard objects this which u touch n common noun means thngs animal prsn unless its common noun and proper noun
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes January 05, 2018
what is the difference between concrete and common noun?
concrete nouns are that can be touched smell and taste. for an instance orange. common nouns are common things . they are not specific one. as girl is a common noun but it can be changed in proper noun by sita but you can not change orange in proper noun.

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