Hello English
Hello English

my city rank was not updated whereas I won so many coins today my rank was not updated today when I get up onwards I am practiced somany lessons and won more coins nearly 2000 coins but my rank was not updated today when I started my rank 15700 now 13700

June 26, 2017
Siva krishna Bandhakavi
You should go in your city rank and update your city rank then it will be updated.
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes June 26, 2017
already i updated but it didn't
0 Upvotes 1 Downvotes June 26, 2017
my city rank was not updated whereas I won so many coins today my rank was not updated today when I get up onwards I am practiced somany lessons and won more coins nearly 2000 coins but my rank was not updated today when I started my rank 15700 now 13700
You should go in your city rank and update your city rank then it will be updated.

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