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Posted On : Hindi lesson 18

difference between under and below

June 29, 2017
difference between under and below
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes July 30, 2017
when we want to say that something is in someone's coverage in that situation we use under for example the pen is under the table, I am under the tree etc. and when we want to say something is just straight down to something in that situation we can use below for example the answer is below the question etc
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes July 12, 2017
When we use under as a preposition, it is similar to below. We use under to talk about something that is below or lower than something else: The cat isunder the table. When we use under, we can also mean that one thing is touching or covering something else.
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes July 17, 2018
difference between under and below
difference between under and below

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