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Posted On : Hindi lesson 64

what is difference between go and went and when we use

July 01, 2017
We use "go" in presnet tense and "went" in past tense.
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes July 01, 2017
Go is the base verb and went is its past form or the second form. Go is used in simple present tense with I,we,you,they,plural subject and also in simple future tense. Ex:- I go there daily. She will go there tomorrow. Went is used in simple past tense. Ex:- He went there yesterday.
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes July 02, 2017
Go is the simple present verb whereas went is the past tense of go,its past participle form is gone. eg : I go to the shop. He went to the school yesterday. She has gone to Delhi.
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes July 01, 2017
what is difference between go ana went
0 Upvotes 1 Downvotes July 11, 2017
what is difference between go and went and when we use
We use "go" in presnet tense and "went" in past tense.

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