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get rid means

July 03, 2017
Sandeep Kumar
To get rescue from something.
4 Upvotes 0 Downvotes September 09, 2017
get free or release from something
3 Upvotes 0 Downvotes September 18, 2017
keep away something
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes August 27, 2018
potted to get rid of him means
2 Upvotes 1 Downvotes July 30, 2017
please send some examples
2 Upvotes 1 Downvotes July 03, 2017
To come over
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes September 26, 2020
Getting rid of (something or someone) bothers you or exhausts you
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes July 03, 2017
To get rid of or give up
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes October 19, 2017
If I could get rid of every single one of your kind, I would.   "Why didn't you get rid of it?" she asked curiously. "Babe, there are other ways to get rid of that energy," Jenn purred. He wanted you to get rid of your dog .   The Test Act was now brought forward, and Shaftesbury, who appears to have heard how he had been duped in 1670, supported it, with the object probably of thereby getting rid of Clifford.   Dean swung by the Beaumont Hotel and dropped off Jennifer Radisson's camera, not unhappy to be rid of the reminder of the prior evening.   If the Watchers and Others couldn't hide from him, he was one step closer to finding a way to rid the planet of both.   "I swear, Taran, if your presence here hurts my people, I will do what I must to rid them of you," she promised.  She bit her lips to keep them from quivering and blinked her eyes to get rid of the blur. The mines were rigged, and he'd never wanted to think he'd need to destroy his home in order to rid it of the blight affecting it.   He didn't understand both their concern and eagerness to get rid of him, but felt familiar coldness settle into his chest.  There had been two other people in the entirety of the universe that cared for him, and the two people with him now were not the same. But they had made up their minds to get rid of him. He'll work with you to get rid of the Others, she said with some impatience. He'd rid the planet of both. And the doctrine found acceptance among some whom it enabled to get rid of the difficulties raised by Montaigne and those who allowed more difference between animal and animal than between the higher animals and man.   Each morning, when they were numbed with cold, I swept some of them out, but I did not trouble myself much to get rid of them; I even felt complimented by their regarding my house as a desirable shelter. You'll have to get rid of the person who's supposed to be there.   "You're not getting rid of me that easily," he assured her.   Evidently the prince understood her, and also understood, as he had done at Anna Pavlovna's, that it would be difficult to get rid of Anna Mikhaylovna.   Or maybe, he wanted to get rid of his own regret at the idea of taking such a sweet soul, someone who might've been a kindred spirit in a different time and place. She'd given her blood for her people and her life to rid Tiyan of the demon, once and for all. Their goal had been to get rid of as many of the Others as possible and save Jessi, because Darian wasn't able to disable the dozens gathered at once. The only way he's going to get rid of me is with a foot on my backside pushing me out the door – and then I'll leave fingernail marks in the door jamb. I'm helping her rid Tiyan of the demon. In order to get rid of hydrogen, some oxygen is added to the helium, and the mixture exploded by an electric spark. " No sooner do we try to get rid of the idea of Immortality - than Pessimism raises its head ... She peered through the peephole to make sure it wasn't the woman she'd barely gotten rid of earlier. I knew he was meant for greatness, but I expected him to serve me when I'd rid the kingdom of my father. Even Bianca can't get rid of the headache. At least he was certain Jessi was safe at home tonight, with Gerry's Guardians there to rid her place of any of Jonny's goons. You've had tens of thousands of years to get rid of me. Yeah, he wanted me to get rid of you, all right. Without knowing what her ancestors had done, she was the only one strong and brave enough to try to rid Tiyan of its curse. Read more at http://sentence.yourdictionary.com/rid#xTHVcOYRGO1Xeeu1.99
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes July 03, 2017
get rid means
To get rescue from something.

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