Hello English
Hello English

hello sir Monday I attend the school interview but interview speak only english I realy noverce so you ask any ideas

July 08, 2017
It happens with the learner they feel nervous in interview. dont worry about this you just try to speak in English wherever you are unable to translate just speak in your languange. you should look very confident wheter you know English or not. keep in mind English is language not knowledge.
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes July 08, 2017
hello sir Monday I attend the school interview but interview speak only english I realy noverce so you ask any ideas
It happens with the learner they feel nervous in interview. dont worry about this you just try to speak in English wherever you are unable to translate just speak in your languange. you should look very confident wheter you know English or not. keep in mind English is language not knowledge.

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