Hello English
Hello English

dear hello English team, now am in 307th lesson. nowadays my questions are in English mode. I want it as tamil mode. and spelling game also asking English questions please change these as what I had before. I need to learn thoroughly. help me.

July 11, 2017
Ranji Shree
You mean, you want to take your lessons in Tamil to english.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes July 11, 2017
yes mam I think I need more practice than what I had. pls help still am not strong with tenses while speaking that's why if it is in tamil to English I can mold myself much better.
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes July 12, 2017
dear hello English team, now am in 307th lesson. nowadays my questions are in English mode. I want it as tamil mode. and spelling game also asking English questions please change these as what I had before. I need to learn thoroughly. help me.
You mean, you want to take your lessons in Tamil to english.

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