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Posted On : Hindi lesson 404

What is connation

July 16, 2017
First of all it is not connation, you spell wrong word. The correct word is CONNOTATION. It means that - an idea or feeling which accompany a word and generates a feeling for a person which can be either 'positive or negative'. For example: (1)- The ribbons at her party were really gaudy . Here gaudy means- extravagantly bright . that means above sentence is "Negative Connotation". (2)- He was a prolific composer . Here prolific means - productive , creative person. that means above sentence is "positive connotation". I hope it is helpful for you. Jai Hind...
2 Upvotes 1 Downvotes March 24, 2018
What is mean by connotation? Connotation meaans an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
1 Upvotes 1 Downvotes July 16, 2017
What is connation
First of all it is not connation, you spell wrong word. The correct word is CONNOTATION. It means that - an idea or feeling which accompany a word and generates a feeling for a person which can be either 'positive or negative'. For example: (1)- The ribbons at her party were really gaudy . Here gaudy means- extravagantly bright . that means above sentence is "Negative Connotation". (2)- He was a prolific composer . Here prolific means - productive , creative person. that means above sentence is "positive connotation". I hope it is helpful for you. Jai Hind...

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