Hello English
Hello English
Posted On : Hindi lesson 24

when should we use has and have

October 23, 2017
https://helloenglish.com/questions/121097/uses-of-has-have-had Please visit on the given link.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes October 23, 2017
Have can be used in present tense in 1st person plural (we),2nd person (you),3rd person plural (they).Has can be used in present tense in 1st person singular (I),3rd person singular (he,she,it).
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes November 29, 2017
when should we use has and have
https://helloenglish.com/questions/121097/uses-of-has-have-had Please visit on the given link.

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