Hello English
Hello English

was and were using about it

December 02, 2017
according to the English grammar, "Was and were are used for place and position". furthermore, was can be used for singular sub, were can be used for plural sub.. 1) eg: i/she/he was happy or at home. 2) eg: you/we/they were happy or at home.
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes December 02, 2017
Was is used in the first person singular (I) and the third person singular (he, she, it). Were is used in the second person singular and plural (you, your, yours) and first and third person plural (we, they).
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes December 02, 2017
https://helloenglish.com/questions/128386/when-using-waw-were Please visit on the given link.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes December 02, 2017
was and were using about it
according to the English grammar, "Was and were are used for place and position". furthermore, was can be used for singular sub, were can be used for plural sub.. 1) eg: i/she/he was happy or at home. 2) eg: you/we/they were happy or at home.

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