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he is a/an excellent. choose the correct

December 22, 2017
Both are wrong.. when you join an article you should write like this. ''He is excellent'' is right way (without article). " He is an excellent.....? " grammatically wrong. the noun is missing here. according to English grammar an adjective comes before a noun with article. " He is an excellent student/dancer/singer" is right way..
5 Upvotes 0 Downvotes December 22, 2017
Here we don't use any types of articles before excellent because we use article before a noun, not an adjective and excellent is an adjective not a noun. So, He is excellent. - correct If you want to use articles a/an before it then add a noun after word excellent. For ex:- He is an excellent man/boy.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes December 22, 2017
Before "excellent" any articles are not used. Articles are used before nouns and "excellent" is Adjective. So, articles are not used here. You should write :- He is excellent.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes December 22, 2017
he is a/an excellent. choose the correct
Both are wrong.. when you join an article you should write like this. ''He is excellent'' is right way (without article). " He is an excellent.....? " grammatically wrong. the noun is missing here. according to English grammar an adjective comes before a noun with article. " He is an excellent student/dancer/singer" is right way..

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