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Hello English

I have learned english more ten years, are the tips I get english fluently?

December 26, 2017
Riko Priyatmo
You should say :- "I have been learning english for more than ten years. But Still I'm not yet fluent in it. Are there any tips to improve my english fluency?" My suggestion is Embrace the fact that It takes time to become fluent in any second language for non native speakers. No wonder that english also requires good amount of time to become fluent. However you shouldn't become disheartened on this issue. You can achieve fluency in english by practicing diligently and patiently. The following are some of the tips you can employ to improve your fluency. 1. "Observe and imitate native speakers" : We are imitating creatures, a child learns by imitating his/her family friends. people succeed by imitating and learning from their role models. Similar you should observe and imitate the way of speaking and pronunciation of the native speakers. This provides the basis for "How english should be spoken". 2. "Read aloud everyday" : By reading aloud, the vocal muscles get strengthened. It also helps you to get into tone of language which eventually improves fluency. 3. "Practice speaking in english" : No matter, how good you are at english, if you don't strike up a conversation with others in english, you are not gonna improve your fluency. So, Speak up, initiate conversation with others. In this process you may make mistakes. Don't stop, stick to your conversation. Embrace the fact that through mistakes we learn fast, That's the way you become fluent in english. 4. "Practice explaining and expressing to yourself aloud" : When you are alone, See your surroundings, speak to yourself in english aloud. what are there in your surroundings ? what is happening? Explain it in your words. This is a good practice to improve fluency when you are alone. 5. "Think in English": Don't waste your time converting your mother tongue into english sentences. Every language is unique and different. Sentence structure of each language differs. More over converting mother tongue into english increases your thinking process and slow your speaking. such habit will hamper your progress in the long run. Instead try to think in english, focus on structure, watch english news, movies etc., by doing these you can improve the language fluency. I hope these tips will help you out in improving your fluency in english! All the best :)
4 Upvotes 0 Downvotes December 26, 2017
I have learned english more ten years, are the tips I get english fluently?
You should say :- "I have been learning english for more than ten years. But Still I'm not yet fluent in it. Are there any tips to improve my english fluency?" My suggestion is Embrace the fact that It takes time to become fluent in any second language for non native speakers. No wonder that english also requires good amount of time to become fluent. However you shouldn't become disheartened on this issue. You can achieve fluency in english by practicing diligently and patiently. The following are some of the tips you can employ to improve your fluency. 1. "Observe and imitate native speakers" : We are imitating creatures, a child learns by imitating his/her family friends. people succeed by imitating and learning from their role models. Similar you should observe and imitate the way of speaking and pronunciation of the native speakers. This provides the basis for "How english should be spoken". 2. "Read aloud everyday" : By reading aloud, the vocal muscles get strengthened. It also helps you to get into tone of language which eventually improves fluency. 3. "Practice speaking in english" : No matter, how good you are at english, if you don't strike up a conversation with others in english, you are not gonna improve your fluency. So, Speak up, initiate conversation with others. In this process you may make mistakes. Don't stop, stick to your conversation. Embrace the fact that through mistakes we learn fast, That's the way you become fluent in english. 4. "Practice explaining and expressing to yourself aloud" : When you are alone, See your surroundings, speak to yourself in english aloud. what are there in your surroundings ? what is happening? Explain it in your words. This is a good practice to improve fluency when you are alone. 5. "Think in English": Don't waste your time converting your mother tongue into english sentences. Every language is unique and different. Sentence structure of each language differs. More over converting mother tongue into english increases your thinking process and slow your speaking. such habit will hamper your progress in the long run. Instead try to think in english, focus on structure, watch english news, movies etc., by doing these you can improve the language fluency. I hope these tips will help you out in improving your fluency in english! All the best :)

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