Hello English
Hello English
Posted On : Hindi lesson 51

where does since and for used

February 10, 2018
Use for (a length of time)  like 1 day, or 3 hours, or 5 years. For examples :- I have been studying English for 6 years. Lucky has helped me for 8 hours. I am playing this game  for 6 months. Use of since is here :- https://helloenglish.com/questions/171937/when-we-use-since/204820
7 Upvotes 0 Downvotes February 10, 2018
"FOR + a length of time" for an hour for two weeks for ten years for a long time ... "SINCE + a point in time in the past since 7 a.m. since Monday since January since 2005
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes October 02, 2018
where does since and for used
Use for (a length of time)  like 1 day, or 3 hours, or 5 years. For examples :- I have been studying English for 6 years. Lucky has helped me for 8 hours. I am playing this game  for 6 months. Use of since is here :- https://helloenglish.com/questions/171937/when-we-use-since/204820

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