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Hello English
Posted On : Oriya lesson 1

What is the basic difference between your & yours???

March 03, 2018
Your - possessive adjective, it's used as an adjective. Ex:- Your book is old. Yours - possessive pronoun, it's used as a pronoun. Ex:- She is my sister and they are yours.
1 Upvotes 0 Downvotes March 04, 2018
Example, this is my pencil > this is mine. This is your pencil > this is yours. So, Used in place of the name> "s". Example, my car is better than yours. I was hoping i could explain.
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes March 03, 2018
What is the basic difference between your & yours???
Your - possessive adjective, it's used as an adjective. Ex:- Your book is old. Yours - possessive pronoun, it's used as a pronoun. Ex:- She is my sister and they are yours.

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