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Posted On : Turkish lesson 141

there is a sentence " I don't have a lot if reports....." Can we use * a lot of in negative sentences?

March 05, 2018
A lot of’ can be used in all sentences; affirmative, negative and interrogative. We made a lot of mistakes during our first test. I don't have a lot of friends who live next to me. Did you do a lot of shopping in London?
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 15, 2019
there is a sentence " I don't have a lot if reports....." Can we use * a lot of in negative sentences?
A lot of’ can be used in all sentences; affirmative, negative and interrogative. We made a lot of mistakes during our first test. I don't have a lot of friends who live next to me. Did you do a lot of shopping in London?

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