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Posted On : Hindi lesson 66

why we use 'am never' instead of 'never' word

April 06, 2018
When there is no main verb in simple present tense then we use "helping verb" with the given subject. For ex:- I am never rude to you. Whereas when there is a main verb in the given sentence then we don't use helping verb (is/am/are) in that sentence. Ex:- I never take tea in the morning.
5 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 07, 2018
it depends on situation, if you are pointing something about you,then 'am never' should use other cases we use never. when I comes, am also
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 06, 2018
could u please elaborate it because still I have a problem
2 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 06, 2018
why we use 'am never' instead of 'never' word
When there is no main verb in simple present tense then we use "helping verb" with the given subject. For ex:- I am never rude to you. Whereas when there is a main verb in the given sentence then we don't use helping verb (is/am/are) in that sentence. Ex:- I never take tea in the morning.

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