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what is the difference between see, look and watch?

April 19, 2018
to see,if we were not looking for something and suddenly it comes into our sight. i saw you dancing today. to look,if we look at something for a reason intentionally. look at that handsome guy. to watch,to look at something carefully if it is moving. I am watching movie.
12 Upvotes 3 Downvotes April 23, 2018
please reply my question
4 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 21, 2018
what is the difference between see, look and watch?
to see,if we were not looking for something and suddenly it comes into our sight. i saw you dancing today. to look,if we look at something for a reason intentionally. look at that handsome guy. to watch,to look at something carefully if it is moving. I am watching movie.

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