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When to use "I" and "Me"?

January 12, 2017
Always try using "I" or "me" in the singular, for the same sentence. For instance, people might say: "Jack and me are going to town." This is wrong, because one does not say "Me am going to town." Therefore the correct way to say it is "Jack and I are going to town." (singular: I am going to town).
3 Upvotes 1 Downvotes January 12, 2017
When to use "I" and "Me"?
Always try using "I" or "me" in the singular, for the same sentence. For instance, people might say: "Jack and me are going to town." This is wrong, because one does not say "Me am going to town." Therefore the correct way to say it is "Jack and I are going to town." (singular: I am going to town).

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