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Hello English

The duniya is not the resting place . It is the testing place...

April 28, 2018
Allah placed man temporarily in this world to test him. He tests us with what we experience in life. He creates this life in order that believers may be distinguished from the non-believers, and by which they may be purified of evil, and worthy of the reward of Paradise. In other words, the world is merely a testing-ground where we can earn the good pleasure of Allah.
6 Upvotes 1 Downvotes April 30, 2018
you are right...
3 Upvotes 0 Downvotes April 29, 2018
0 Upvotes 0 Downvotes December 07, 2020
The duniya is not the resting place . It is the testing place...
Allah placed man temporarily in this world to test him. He tests us with what we experience in life. He creates this life in order that believers may be distinguished from the non-believers, and by which they may be purified of evil, and worthy of the reward of Paradise. In other words, the world is merely a testing-ground where we can earn the good pleasure of Allah.

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