Hello English
Hello English

Which one is correct, "you and I" or "you and me"?

January 13, 2017
There is an easy test to apply when deciding if you should use ‘I’ or ‘me’ in a sentence. Look at these two sentences: - My father is taking me and my friends out to dinner. - My father is taking my friends and I out to dinner. In this case, the first sentence is correct. The test is to shorten the sentences: - My father is taking me out to dinner. - My father is taking I out to dinner. Now you can easily see that the first version is correct. You would not say: My father is taking I out to dinner. Therefore, you would not say: My father is taking my friends and I out to dinner. A similar test can be applied with the following two sentences: - My friends and I are going out for dinner. - My friends and me are going out for dinner. Just shorten the sentences: - I am going out for dinner. - Me is going out for dinner. You can immediately see that the first version is correct: I am going out for dinner. Therefore, the following is correct: My friends and I are going out for dinner.
576 Upvotes 27 Downvotes January 13, 2017
you and me
194 Upvotes 41 Downvotes February 17, 2017
it depends on usage in the sentence. 'you and I' is used as subject of a sentence but 'you and me 'is used as object of a sentence.
156 Upvotes 20 Downvotes March 01, 2017
u and me
78 Upvotes 26 Downvotes February 28, 2017
you and me
65 Upvotes 23 Downvotes March 01, 2017
you and me
53 Upvotes 15 Downvotes March 08, 2017
Dear friend. 'You and I' are Because those are subjects. me is an object so me won't be used here.
49 Upvotes 12 Downvotes March 22, 2017
You and me
44 Upvotes 9 Downvotes March 13, 2017
you and me
51 Upvotes 25 Downvotes February 18, 2017
you and me
37 Upvotes 16 Downvotes March 12, 2017
Which one is correct, "you and I" or "you and me"?
There is an easy test to apply when deciding if you should use ‘I’ or ‘me’ in a sentence. Look at these two sentences: - My father is taking me and my friends out to dinner. - My father is taking my friends and I out to dinner. In this case, the first sentence is correct. The test is to shorten the sentences: - My father is taking me out to dinner. - My father is taking I out to dinner. Now you can easily see that the first version is correct. You would not say: My father is taking I out to dinner. Therefore, you would not say: My father is taking my friends and I out to dinner. A similar test can be applied with the following two sentences: - My friends and I are going out for dinner. - My friends and me are going out for dinner. Just shorten the sentences: - I am going out for dinner. - Me is going out for dinner. You can immediately see that the first version is correct: I am going out for dinner. Therefore, the following is correct: My friends and I are going out for dinner.

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